This activity brings young composers and young musicians together with established musicians and internationally acclaimed artists to exchange, to experiment, and mostly to create new works.
As the final part of the 2015’s IEMA composition workshop, described more in detail here, the whole IEMA team and … +
The IEMA-Ensemble 2014/15 includes 13 musicians, a sound designer and a composer. © IEMA Four young composers, … +
Opus XXI is a Summer Academy for contemporary music, which takes place this year in the castle of Spetzgart, close … +
For 2012/ 2013 and 2014/2015 impuls and Fondation Royaumont/Voix nouvelles in France have established an exchange program for the support … +
The two academies IKI (HfMT Hamburg)/Opus XXI (Germany/ France) and impuls (Austria) decided to mutually invite young composers suggested by … +